1415 Oakland Blvd., Suite 100 | Walnut Creek, CA 94596

About This Program



Our program is a creative approach to weight loss that is designed to help you “lighten up” from the inside out: MIND and BODY. We offer:


We named this program Weight Loss 18 Minutes because it takes about 18 minutes a day to use the primary tools.

Our program is not a “diet” — it is designed to create a “healthy lifestyle” that provides long-term results. Weight Loss 18 Minutes will show you how to break emotional eating cycles — that include “grabbing and gulping” — so you can OUTSMART unhealthy cravings and feel EMPOWERED!

Empowered, healthy eating leads to…Gal-pointing

Relaxing, guided imagery audios are central to our program. The guided imagery of Weight Loss 18 Minutes uses a ~ GARDENING THEME ~ that offers SEEDS to NOURISH and CULTIVATE:

Healthy eating behaviors &
Confidence — that you
CAN reach your GOALS!


“Trina, thank you for giving me these life-changing tools! Weight Loss 18 Minutes gave me the support and the safe, non-judgmental GROUP environment that I needed to get solidly on track.

“My relationship with food has been forever changed, and I finally feel free from emotional eating! I am continuing to lose weight, and enjoy my new outlook on life!!”

— Margaret

Multiethnic Cheerful People United Looking Up


The diagram below explains what makes our program different from other weight loss programs. As you can see, guided imagery addresses “urges” and unhealthy overeating HABITS below the surface — often getting to the ROOT of the problem.


Most other weight loss programs address only the “Conscious Mind.” The good news is, Weight Loss 18 Minutes addresses both the “Conscious Mind”… AND harnesses the POWER of the “Unconscious Mind.”

Blonde-LadyHere’s what another client has to say about our program:

“Thanks to Trina’s comforting voice, I easily relax into the soothing guided imagery while giving myself the precious gift of ‘me-time!’  I’ve been looking for a weight loss program like this for years… and I finally found it!”

— Susan



Here’s more good news, while listening to our guided imagery audios you’ll have an opportunity to take a short, RELAXING break — a delicious 10 to 12 minute “mini-vacation!” Ahhh… letting go of tensions of the mind and body release stress.


And, according to a Kaiser Permanente research study,* lower stress was significantly associated with GREATER weight loss.

In addition to receiving our relaxing guided imagery audios, you’ll also get inspiring educational handouts. And, just so you know, ALL of our nutritional handouts have been approved by a savvy, Registered Dietician Consultant.

Okay, so we’ve told you about some of the WISDOM that Weight Loss 18 Minutes offers — now it’s time to tell you about the…

~ WIT ~

Prior to entering the holistic health field and going into private practice, our founder, Trina Swerdlow (“Coach Trina”) received her Bachelor in Fine Arts from Art Center College of Design. After graduating, she was a successful Art Director and “Character Creator” in the greeting card industry. She created numerous characters, which appeared on products that were distributed internationally.

Below, is an illustration Trina created for Weight Loss 18 Minutes featuring her whimsical character CAT-NIP. As you can see, he is proudly “strutting” his own weight loss success — while he encourages us ALL to…


In addition, CAT-NIP likes to remind people to —
“NIP” those unhealthy cravings in the bud!

“Coach Trina”
loves integrating ~WIT~ into this program,
because after all, she says:

“Belly laughs do burn calories!”

Here’s what Linda has to say about Weight Loss 18 Minutes:

“I appreciate the creative, fun sides of this program.
And, I am steadily losing excess weight!”


* Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, Portland, Oregon. Elder C R, et.al. (2012). Impact of sleep, screen time, depression and stress on weight change in the intensive weight loss phase of the LIFE study. International Journal of Obesity, 36: 86-92.
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