If You REALLY Knew Me…
When you think back to your high school experience, are you flooded with fond memories? Maybe you flash on some exciting sporting events, romantic prom nights, enjoyable theatrical plays, or innovative science projects. However, when people come to see me for stress management issues, childhood and high school events that…

Courage, Wisdom, & Light
COURAGE A heartfelt ABILITY to combine boundaries with OPENNESS. To keep RESPONDING to life’s lessons by allowing LAYERS of experience to transform STRUGGLES into pearls of WISDOM. Know that, you have unique skills, along with: COURAGE, WISDOM and LIGHT to share… and the world needs YOU. — T. Swerdlow …

Honoring Legacies of LIGHT
Trina Swerdlow, BFA, CCHT, is an International Best-Selling Author, Transformational Thought Leader, and Artist. She says: “It is vitally important to HONOR people who have inspired us personally and professionally. For this reason, I am releasing my first painting in the Fine Art Series called ‘Legacy of LIGHT Portraits.’ I…

Balancing POWER vs Vulnerability
When I begin working with new clients, I often look for indications of whether they are more comfortable with their power or their vulnerability. I listen for areas in their lives where they describe themselves as powerful “givers” (or rescuers) and areas in their lives where they appear to feel…

~ The ART of Listening ~
Many of us spend substantial hours each week witnessing our friends’ and family members’ work victories, personal vacations, childrens’ important events, adorable pet photos, weddings…on SOCIAL MEDIA. In addition, we sometimes witness peoples’ challenges like accidents and health issues. Even though social media relationships can have positive effects…

“Color ME Empowered” Playshop
Save the date for an INSPIRING & FUN upcoming Women’s PLAYSHOP! _____________________________________________________ ~ Color ME Empowered ~ _________________________ Sat. August 19: 1 to 3 pm ~ Danville ~ Join me, Trina Swerdlow, CCHT along with Special Guest Presenter: Dr. Melissa Ko Gather with like-minded WOMEN, to let your CREATIVITY flow…

What Are You CLINGING To?
Okay, am I the only one, or do you too sometimes struggle with letting go of old stuff? Oi vey… Although I regularly donate and recycle items, it is an ongoing process to downsize possessions and clear old clutter. Whew! Now, the great thing about this time of the year…

The Key: Transforming Shame into LOVE
Becoming deeply acquainted with oneself is no small task. And the truth is, connecting to one’s inner workings is an ongoing, lifelong process. What makes this endeavor a slow but rich experience is that one’s “inner gold” is often buried under many layers of the personality. So, getting past the…

4 Steps to ~ Create “Stress-LESS” Holidays
Have you noticed that combining unrealistically high expectations with the chaotic pressure of the season is a “perfect recipe” to create holiday stress? In addition, when insecurities are stirred into the mix, the natural joyful flavor of the season…often soggily SINKS to the bottom. Can you relate? I sure can….

2 Secrets to Serenity–During “CRAZY” Times!
If you’re like many of us, you’d love to experience more control in your life –– more control of your health, more control of your income, more control of politics (oi vey), as well as more control of the health and well-being of your LOVED ones. Yes, our Wish Lists…